is a exciting comic adventure, recommended. The production
values are high.
The character designs are different from those in all the
other Dirty Pair anime, except.perhaps for the cameo in the
Crusher Joe movie. Kei and Yuri are thinner, more mature, with
figures that are not so striking. They also have the psychic
sensitivity they had in Haruka Takachiho's original novellas.
The Dirty Pair's psychic visions and dreams, and the
happenings in the forest of Nolandia (especially a scene where
a heavily armored soldier flees terrified from a unicorn,
which hunts him down and kills him) are chilling and
unnerving. A sinister (and somewhat incoherent) plot is going
on to manipulate nature, but nature is fighting back.
Toward the end, the Dirty Pair go in separate directions
and give us two wonderfully exciting and well-paced parallel
chase scenes: Kei is fleeing/leading a killer robot with an
uncoincidental resemblance to the Terminator, while Yuri
chases the chief bad guy, by taxi, bicycle, roller skates and
on foot.
This show has a grimmer, nastier tone than most Dirty Pair
anime (with the possible exception of the Flight 005
Conspiracy), and that, together with the lackluster
character designs and the confused plot, gives it a relatively
low rating