Distribution Rights: Disney Genres: Fantasy, Comedy
Porco Rosso (Movie) Alternate Titles: Crimson Pig,
Kurenai no Buta
Description: Porco Rosso is set on
the Adriatic coast of southern Italy in the early 1930s.
The main character is a brilliant mercenary pilot called
Porco Rosso, "the crimson pig," because he flies a
crimson sea-plane and because he has, as the result of a
curse, the head of a pig. Porco fights air pirates and
ambitious rival mercenaries, and avoids the agents of
the Italian Fascist government that he hates.
This story shows Porco's struggle with a gang of air
pirates and their mercenary ally, and his relationship ,
with Fio, the young girl engineer who rebuilds his
plane, and with the beautiful widow Gina. Directed by
Hayao Miyazaki. |
Overall Grade: 92.5%
(A-) |
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Reviewer #1: Andrew
Kent Episodes reviewed: Movie;
subtitled |
Grade: 95%
(A) |
air combat was very unlike the antiseptic duels of modern
military craft; it was almost a sport of gentlemen, where the
mechanical aspects were secondary to the skill, nerve, and
daring of a small number of pilots, as they dueled for command
of the skies. Miyazaki captures the entire package in a
masterful work about an ex-military flying pig in a world of
I know, I know, it sounds stupid, right? Somehow, he makes
it work. The entire cast of the show is completely deadpan
about having a large, rotund porcine pilot in their midst. Of
course, it comes up, but not as "how is that pig flying a
plane?", in favor of, "Why do you look like a pig?" What would
be a cause of whimsy in a Disney animation is an excuse for
serious introspection and a nice mood-setting flashback by
Porco, in his aviation goggles and smoking a cigar. Note that
none of the other cast member are anthropomorphized in any
The visuals are beautiful, portraying usually-tranquil
Mediterranean scenery in a very simplistic manner, becoming
detailed for the designs of the planes, which are very
detailed and realistic. This says less than it looks - ALL
Miyazaki films are generally stunning - but nevertheless, you
will be hard pressed to find better, even in the modern age of
computer graphics. Sure, sometimes small things may lack this
or that detail, but it is the selection of which details are
presented that shows the film's true mastery... the details
presented are invariably those most essential to the proper
The plot leans towards a rougher edge than most Miyazaki
works. Porco is a bitter and disillusioned man, transformed
after flying with the Italians in WWI. Even so, his generally
good intentions don't lurk very deep, and he puts up with the
young Fio's antics readily. The main tension comes from
multiple sources... Porco versus various pirates, Porco versus
the American rival Curtis, Porco trying not to let Fio get
carried away, trying not to go broke, trying to forget his old
friend Gina. The final duel between Porco and Curtis is almost
comic, extremely well-animated, and worth watching a few times
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Reviewer #2: Clyde Adams
III Episodes reviewed: Movie;
subtitled |
Grade: 90%
(A-) |
Porco Rosso is a
delightful comedy adventure, highly recommended. The
production values, scenery, animation, color, music are all
outstanding, as is usual for Studio Ghibli. The slapstick
comic tone is set early, when the ludicrously named pirate
gang, Mamma Aiutto ("Mama Help!") kidnaps a bunch of
elementary school girls as hostages. The little girls proceed
to create playful chaos throughout the pirates' seaplane.
The pirates continue to amuse with their antics, as does
the narcissistic American mercenary Curtis. Even Porco's very
brief confrontations with the outclassed Fascist secret police
are comical.
The film has a serious underside too, as should be expected
of Miyzaki. In one scene, Porco describes to Fio a terrible
aerial battle during the war (World War One), in which he and
his best friend, Gina's first husband, had fought on the
Allied side. After that battle, Porco had seen a vision of his
friend and all the other dead pilots in their planes ascending
silently into a strange cloud very high up. In my opinion,
this was the cause of Porco's curse; he felt unworthy to live
as a normal human after so many good men died, and he felt
unworthy to be loved as one.
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